ALL Levels Acro Yoga Workshop

Join Caitlyn and Thomas for this beginner friendly Acro Yoga Workshop! It’s exactly what it sounds like- where acrobatics and yoga meet. This form of partner yoga  includes going upside down in very different ways than in a typical yoga class, where trust and communication is key. Caity and Thomas will have each set of partners (although bringing a partner is not a requirement, come solo and we can pair you up!) go through a short yoga flow to get the body warmed up, then move into trust building and communication exercises….then the real fun begins! 

No prior experience in yoga or acrobatics is necessary. Just a willingness to learn, goof around, make friends and have fun!

Date: April 6, 2025
Time: 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: Main Location
Event Prices:
$30.00 - 1 Person
$60.00 - 2 People
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