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6 wk Somatics Series

This series explores developmental movement patterns, the foundational ways we moved in our
earliest days of life that shaped our physical coordination today. By revisiting these stages, we
can increase body awareness, improve movement efficiency, and bring balance to both our
physical and emotional lives. Let’s move in community, have fun, and discover new things about
how we engage with the world around us. Come ready to explore, play, and connect in a
supportive space where movement becomes a path to greater ease and joy.

Breathe (9/29)
Reconnect with the fundamental rhythms of your breath and explore how it influences your
movements. In this class, we’ll dive into the world of 3D breathing, cellular intelligence, and
dynamic movement, emphasizing that all movement begins with breath. Experience how
mindful breathing can transform your physical and mental well-being.

Core-Distal (10/6)
Unlock the power of Core-Distal movement patterns and see how initiating movement from your
core impacts your entire body’s function. We’ll use mobility and stability techniques along with
proprioception to boost your overall movement efficiency and coordination. This session will
help you understand how a strong core enhances your whole-body movement.

Head-Tail (10/13)
Enhance your understanding of the dynamic connection between your head and tail. Through
engaging somatic practices, you'll learn how this kinetic chain supports your body’s function and
improves your movement. In this exploration, we will embody the head-tail pathway to gain new
insights into our soma and elevate your overall body awareness.

Upper-Lower (10/20)
Discover the dynamic interplay between your upper and lower body and how this connection
shapes your engagement with the external world. By focusing on the psoas muscle—a key link
between the upper and lower body—we’ll learn techniques to stretch and strengthen this area,
helping to alleviate discomfort in the hips and back. This class not only enhances your physical
well-being but also addresses the psychological impact of this developmental stage, offering
new insights into how our ability to connect with the world around us influence our overall

Body Half (10/27)
Explore how each half of your body operates independently and in harmony with the other.
Through interoception, you’ll increase your awareness of each side of your body, identifying
imbalances and areas needing attention. Whether you notice a side feels weaker or misaligned,
this insight is valuable for initiating healing. Understanding the developmental stage of Body
Half can improve your alignment, enhance body awareness, and foster more expressive
movement, laying a solid foundation for overall physical well-being.

Cross Lateral (10/3)
Dive into the final stage of developmental movement patterns with cross lateral movement,
where opposite sides of the body move together. This coordination enhances communication
between the brain's hemispheres, improving cognitive functions and emotional regulation. By
integrating rhythmic, cross lateral movements, you'll support brain health and boost physical
coordination, enhancing your overall movement experience.

Membership Terms
Contract Length: 6 week(s)
Attendance: 1 class per week
Begin Date: Sep 19, 2024
End Date: Oct 31, 2024
Enrollment End Date: Nov 4, 2024
Payment Terms
Price: $125.00

Due Now

First Installment  $125.00

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